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domingo, fevereiro 20, 2005

Voices Within - Movement for the Soul...

I got a real eye and soul candy today as I went to watch a dance show called Voices, by the Lisbon Contemporary Ballet Company (Lisboa Ballet Contemporâneo - This is the company of the dance academy I work in (for five years now) - Lisbon Dance Academy (Academia de Dança de Lisboa -

Benvindo da Fonseca, one of the most acclaimed contemporary dance coreographers in my country, presented all of us in the room with a selection of four coreographies - all of them amazingly beautiful!

The first one was, for me, the most intense.
It was called "Para que a terra não esqueça" (which translates to "So that the earth doesn't forget" - or something like that!!). The peace was about the end of Word War II and the holocaust, and it was danced inside - and arround - a huge metal cage in the center of the stage. It was created in a dramatic and limited scenary so that the viewer had no option left but feel constrained in that view-point... and "don't forget".
Every movement of the dancers was embebed in darkness and pain - Brilliant!

I wish you could experience what I did - I was really toutched by that peace.

The other three peaces were also amazingly produced. They were "Murmúrio", "Onegin" and "Makeba".

I'll end this post with a poem recited in the start of the "Onegin" peace. (I'm sorry but I'll post this in the original version - in portuguese.)

Que mais poderia fazer
Que mais poderia dizer
Está agora nas suas mãos bem sei,
Castigar-me com o seu desprezo
Mas se tendes ainda uma réstia de piedade pela minha triste sorte não me ides abandonar,
A princí­pio queria ficar em silêncio
nunca terí­eis sabido
acreditar na minha vergonha
se tivesse a esperança de vos ver uma vez mais por semana
de vos ver na vossa casa de campo
apenas de vos ouvir falar
de vos dirigir uma palavra
e depois pensar e pensar apenas uma coisa
de dia e de noite até ao nosso próximo encontro"


ps.: the photo posted is not from the show (i couldn't get any photo from the show... sorry!)