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quarta-feira, fevereiro 23, 2005

The Office Make-over!

Me and Filipe

My Office door (the "e" stands for "Escritório" - Office in Portuguese!)

Isn't it a nice day for painting???
No, it's not a impressionist painting... - It's the walls in my office!!!

Me and my buddy Filipe, all dressed up like the queens that we are (NOT), decided to do a make-over in my appartment!

It all began with my bedroom a couple of weeks ago (it's soooo beautiful now that it's done!).
Now it's time for the Office and then the living room, and then... and then... and then... ok, you get the point!

Check back later for the next "Changing Rooms" episode!!!


ps.: i'm feeling better today!... yesterday was a really really negative day...

ps.2: Thank you baby Calvin (hehhehe you know why!)


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi, there!

Just wanted you to know that I'll be liking this blog to our vi-vidas one and I'm glad you 'love' it!!!!

See you soon :D

24/2/05 16:11  

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