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terça-feira, março 08, 2005

The Love Game

"People go to casinos for the same reason they go on blind dates - hoping to hit the jackpot. But mostly, you just wind up broke or alone in a bar."

Life has been quiet these days (and i've been too lazy to post something here!!).

Today I came across this SATC quote and that got me thinking about Love games…
You’ve certainly realized that the whole dating thing is nothing more than a game. And some people actually play it really well – The true players!

I got fed up with that sometime ago…
Let me tell you a little bit more about my life…

In 2002 I fell in Love. Back then I really wanted a stable relationship. I was 20… Young and didn’t knew much about Love or Life.
The guy I fell in Love with was the most beautiful thing that I’d ever came across. I found him on the internet… we chat for a couple of days and then exchanged phone numbers. I called him one night and told him I HAD to meet him… it was no longer bearable for me to keep that thing on the virtual level.
We met one night, after I insisted thoroughly for that. I drove to his place and parked. He came down and approached my car... We held our breaths for a moment (which seemed forever) and we both fell in love on the spot. I can’t explain it... it was one of the most beautiful feelings I had in my life! – I’ll remember this forever…
Without going through details, it ended after only a couple of weeks… I guess we weren’t ready for each other… or we were never supposed to become lovers, but only friends (now days he is one of my best friends… Luv u baby!).
Although some people might think otherwise, this ending was a real disappointment for me. But it was probably the most intense life-lesson I had so far. It thought me so many things about love. That was the base-stone for my next relationships…

But that is for another post...



Anonymous Anónimo said...

derreteste-me, bebé...
obrigado pelas palavras

nem imaginas como me tocaram

amo-te muito, de que forma for, nao interessa......

posso ir amanha dormir contigo? tenhu saudades das nossas noites de alzheimer (private joke)

podiamos ir ver o Constantine. que achas? amanha tou de folga ; amanha, isto é, terça.


estupido :P emocionaste-me

love u

8/3/05 04:31  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hum... :/

Quer dizer que vc é um dos famosos "Hugos"???

Agora eu fiqueio com ciúmes...

Saco!!!!! >:(

Abração, menino!!!! E vê se não magoa mais o meu portuguezinhu, beleza? >:(

9/3/05 14:47  
Blogger Mr.WannaB said...

Pois é cara...

a verdade é que nunca é só uma pessoa que sai magoada de uma relação... e, apesar de tudo, não fui eu o único a magoar...
mas isso não interessa nada... o que interessa sim é o facto desse puto ser um dos meus melhores amigos agora. isso sim é de valor.

Beijos para vc!

9/3/05 15:27  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Yeahh. Life's a bitch. Can't live with, can do without... Maybe some other day, some other guy, in some other city than sleezy lx...eeheheheheh!

23/3/05 16:39  

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