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quarta-feira, maio 04, 2005

La Douleur Exquise

Returning to my “love-life novel” (see “The Love Game” and “Foolin’ Around – The Dating Game”), I continue where I left it – My Karma!

So, what is Karma???
In the dictionary says:

1. Hinduism & Buddhism. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
2. Fate; destiny.
3. Informal. A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There's bad karma around the house today.

To me my karma was my very own “Mr. Big”…
He came into my life in a hot summer evening, back in 2003. He seduced my mind, my body and my soul. He was a shark that aimed for my heart and pierced it with it’s sharp teeth.
Everything was amazing about him. He was “good on paper”, had the looks and this incredible sensuality and appeal that left me off-guard from the very first look.
The “complicated” part was everything else about him… going through a divorce (with a 1 year old kid in the middle), having already a boyfriend in another country (…), being wealthy and young (35)… oh my God… What have I gotten into!

Fast-forward 3 months - The end… or was it?
I went through some tough moments after we ended. I guess I loved him more that I wanted to (unfortunately we don't choose those things!)

A couple of months later he came back into my life.
I asked him to decide between me and other things in his life. Guess what he chose?

Finally, after about a year after I met him, I was ready to move on… and then again was I? Am I?

Shit... Life’s a bitch!


Blogger Pralaya said...

E agora o coment ao texto, yeap a vida é uma merd....
E quando não é... nós encarregamo-nos de a fazer...

4/5/05 12:49  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Amorazão... e eu a pensar que ias falar daquele amigo lindão que eu tb adoro absolutamente...

... e afinal pelo que percebom referes-te a outro amigo, também lindão claro, mas que pensava que esse assunto estava morto e enterrado!

então? Aie Aie Aie Aie.....

Tem juizo....

Sempre viste o video do skectch do Sex And The City do SNL que te enviei com a Christina Aguilera a fazer de Samantha

"A Weenie In A Bottle".. LOL!

Love U

4/5/05 17:04  
Blogger Mr.WannaB said...

meu baby Ricke,

a pessoa de que falo neste post é o meu squalo nero...
mas no post de ontem refería-me ao meu marinheiro! o menino com quem tu tens umas fotos lindas na praia!!!

Descansa que com o tubarão as coisas estão "resolvidas"!

beijos muitos!

4/5/05 18:17  
Blogger Pralaya said...

Huguinho fofo, tens o previlégio de ser o primeiro blog que adicionei no meu... vai em frente e força temos sempre de lutar pelo que queremos

4/5/05 18:56  
Blogger Gil Cunha said...

De volta... e em Inglês... O blog está com personalidade, gosto bastante do aspecto... E a vida é de tudo um pouco, o grande desafio é vivê-la :) Bj**

5/5/05 16:49  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

baby... quero ir dormir ctgo agarradinho pois tenho saudades de sentir ao meu lado a presença de alguem q goste de mim :( desculpa ontem nao ter ido ter com vcs ao SS mas tou sem cheta e sem paxorra pra nights... so queria mesmo era companhia. bem, volto pra cama q mais logo trabalha-se.. ah.... ja se actualizava isto... hoje ja é domingo .... love, H

8/5/05 12:59  

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