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terça-feira, maio 03, 2005

v2.0 - Breathe and Reboot

It has been such a long time since I wrote something here (I'm sorry to all the devoted readers!!).

So many things are happening in my life!

I was on holidays in Barcelona, between the 11th and the 17th of April, and it was amazing! ;)
Me and my buddy Filipe packed and hit the road for an amazing trip through the south of Spain!
So many stories to hold dear to our hearts!

After I returned back home, I injured myself teaching a dance class and have been recovering for 2 weeks now. (my back are getting better now... but still aching a bit at the end of the day!)
I've been working extra hard to prepare myself for my personal trainer exams (hopefully I'll be a certified Personal Trainer next week!).

Regarding love, there have been some interesting news too!
I finally got the nerves to send a message to a guy that I have had a beginning of "something" a few months ago. we were together for about month in January, but we had a huge fight and broke every kind of connection!
The good news is that we're "re-connecting"! we've been seeing each other for a week or so, and I'm really REALLY hopping that we get along this time - if only for a good friendship. (he is an amazing person that makes every part of my body and soul tingle - I love the way he makes me feel when I'm around him!)
I'll try to write about that sometime soon!

But for now I reward everybody with the version 2.0 of my blog, with a brand new design!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it! (ok... the pink is a little too gay, but what the hell!)
We all need to "Breathe and Reboot" every once in a while, right?

Soon i'll continue my "love-novel" from where i left it... the summer of 2003! ;)

Peace and love to you all.

Photo: Me with the "barrio gotic" (Barcelona) in the background.
Listening to: Chet Baker's "My Funny Valentine" album.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Bem baby... sabes que espero que tudo corra para o melhor....
Mas sabes que te amo perdidamente e que estou sempre apostos para te apoiar!
Adorei a foto la em cima no blog! e das cores utilizadas!
Nao sabia dessa das costas :\\\ estamos os dois aleijadinhos?
Ja so faltava essa, pra juntar à Alzheimer (pvt joke) ehehe
Love U 4ever

4/5/05 03:56  
Blogger Pralaya said...

Oi fofinho...
ainda bem que voltas-te depois de tanto tempo ausente... as coisas aqui tb mudaram e para pior... Enfim...
Tenho estado com a Teresa la no gym ela anda com um projecto novo... mas já deves saber. As melhoras para as tuas costas e jinhos
ASS. Carlos.

4/5/05 11:30  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Hope you get better really soon and good luck for your exams next week :)

Oh, and what a nice new look your blog has now ;)


4/5/05 11:50  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Meu bebé lindão,..

esqueci-me de dizer uma coisa...



love u 4ever

4/5/05 17:00  
Blogger rednosedraindeer said...

aaaah o barrio gotico! aaaaah barcelona barcelona! E assim fico sem palavras! lol

ainda bem q a novela da tua vida amorasa vai recomeçar. Já q nao posso ver das otras leio a tua ;)


5/5/05 00:50  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Bolas Primocas!
Ando há mais de 15 dias preocupada contigo!
Pois estranhei q n dissesses nada desde a tua ida para Espanha!
quando percebi q nem o blog actualizavas fiquei mesmo preocupada!
Bom ainda bem q estas a recuperar, e q o teu blog ta diferente! Confesso q o acho um pouco nocturno demais! ;-) mesmo assim parabéns! Beijos grandes!!!

5/5/05 12:52  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Oias...estava pela net e resolvi deixar-te m comentário,k tal o filme ontem? Espero k te tenhas divertido... Jokas e dá notícias...fico a espera!! Pedro do Porto!!

22/5/05 22:54  

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