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sexta-feira, março 11, 2005

Talking about love

"I have a friend, a Jazz musician, trumpet player. Really terrific. And I go and hear him jam every month or so. And he plays this piece I love: an old Chet Baker song. And he blows the same notes every time, but every time it sounds different. And we had drinks one night – when I used to drink – and I tried to tell him how that song made me feel… how the music would make me feel and how his playing made me feel. And he just kept shaking his head, and he said… “Joan, you can’t talk about music. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.” I just said, “Well, gonna get all philosophical on me. It’s just as pointless as talking about a lot of things. Love, for instance.” And my friend laughed, and he said, “definitely, most definitely. Talking about love is like dancing about architecture.” So, I don’t know. He might be right. But it ain’t gonna stop me from trying."

in Playing by Heart

Photo: Angelina Jolie in Playing by Heart
Listening to: Chet Baker


Anonymous Anónimo said...

I loved the idea, cos love is... love is... I dunno, I'm trying to find it and I guess I'll always will, at least, till my heart goes cold...

Kisses :)

14/3/05 20:57  

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